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Friday 13 July 2007

The Bio Disc : Bio Disc Demonstration

  1. Stand four glasses of BioDiscTM treated water in a circle. Place a sliced lemon and orange in the centre along with wine or whisky. Place a separate untreated glass of whisky and sliced Orange & lemon as a placebo/Control sample in a separate location at lest 5 metres apart. After 30 minutes compare both test samples (Treated items first), the Bio energized fruit will look younger and taste sweeter. The whiskey will look brighter and taste sweeter. See the difference!

  2. The same test can be repeated with soya sauce, Apple cider vinegar concentrate, CoCa Cola,Viscous Cream.You WILL see a difference in taste and texture.

  3. The same tests can be done by directly placing Substance/liquid on the BioDiscTM directly for 20minutes

Conduct your own Bio Molecular Tests

Click on the following link for full details: http://www.quest.net/pdf/DemoDisc.pdf


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7 Free Lessons from the Teachers of The Secret