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Thursday, 20 March 2008

Pure Water

“But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.”
- John 4:14.

The Creator designed that, "In health and in sickness, pure water is one of heaven's choicest blessings. Its proper use promotes health. It is the beverage which God provided to quench the thirst of animals and man. Drunk freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system and assists nature to resist disease. The external application of water is one of the easiest and most satisfactory ways of regulating the circulation of the blood. A cold or cool bath is an excellent tonic. Warm baths open the pores and thus aid in the elimination of impurities. Both warm and neutral baths soothe the nerves and equalize the circulation." E. G. White, Ministry of Healing, pg. 237.

The Properties Of Water:

Water is made up by the bonding of two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen atom. This bond is called a water molecule. All atoms have either a positive or a negative charge. In a water molecule the oxygen atom has a negative charge, and the two hydrogen atoms have a positive charge. This is a very important aspect of water, for it gives water it's unique properties and enables water to do many functions for us.

  • Water as a Solvent. When a substance is "water soluble," the water molecules surround a larger molecule such as a carbohydrate or a protein. The water molecule forms another bond, though weaker in nature, when the positive charged hydrogen atoms in the water molecule attach to the substance that has a negative charge. This is the process of how other substances are dissolved in water.

  • Water as our Transportation System. Water now works to transport nutrients from the food we eat, oxygen to the cells, and CO2 from the cells to the lungs to be expired. Water is the medium which provides nourishment and cleansing within the body. It makes up 83% of our blood and is critical for every organ in our body. Water is the medium which transports the nutrients and oxygen inside the cells and removes waste.

  • Water as a Regulator. Water has great heat absorbing capabilities. This is why we add it to the antifreeze in our car radiators in order to cool the engines. When we get hot from exercise or outside temperatures, our blood circulates through the body to balance the temperature. When the body temperature climbs, the pores in the skin open, sweat pours out, and body heat is lost through perspiration, which is 95--98% water. Once outside the body, perspiration cools through evaporation. Our Creator has built an air-conditioning system within us to keep the body from over-heating and destroying the cells. The blood, which is made up of over 80% water, works to keep our skin warm when exposed to the cold. Have you ever had red, rosy cheeks in the winter? This is blood coming to the surface of the facial skin in order to keep it warm.

  • Water as a Lubricant. In our cars and machinery we use oil, grease, silicone, etc. to act as lubricants. The Creator designed that water would be the key component in the fluids that lubricate our joints, such as our knees and elbows. Water makes up most of our saliva and digestive juices. Have you ever tried swallowing with a dry mouth? Water plays a very important part in all the other fluids that surround our tissues and cells.

The Body's Use Of Water:

  • Blood: The red and white blood cells are suspended in plasma, as well as the nutrients, minerals, enzymes, and hormones. It is very important to keep the blood thin enough to allow free-flowing circulation. Blood that is healthy will do the needed work of cell cleansing and waste removal. When the blood is too thick and the red blood cells cannot flow easily, a diseased condition appears. Start your day with one to two large glasses of very warm water, it will enter your circulatory system and begin cleansing your bowels right away.

  • Digestion: Our saliva and all other digestive juices are very important factors in the breakdown of billions of food molecules, so that our small intestines can absorb the nutrients we eat. Water is the key component in these various juices. Lack of water will greatly retard digestion, causing poor digestion and clogging to the system. However, do not drink with your meals for it will dilute the stomach's hydrochloric acid and greatly weaken the stomach's ability to digest food properly.

  • Cell Metabolism: Water is a very important part of each cell and its ability to produce energy-cell metabolism. All nutrients, minerals, enzymes, oxygen, etc., are moved in through the cell membranes to the various working parts inside the cell. Water is used within the cell to produce many chemical reactions. Cell waste is also transported by cellular fluids back to the blood for cell cleansing. When we do not get enough water, it is like draining the water out of the fish tank with all the fish inside. We dehydrate ourselves, and if continued, sickness and disease sets in.

  • Elimination of Body Waste: The body uses the cellular fluid, blood, lymphatic fluid, and mucus in order to clean itself internally. The blood deposits body waste into the colon or large intestine. Water plays a major role in this process, for about 2/3 of the stool is made up of water. The rest is solid waste, such as dead blood cells, bacteria, fat, cellulose, etc.

  • The Brain and Nerves: Our brains are about 75% water. Here water also plays a major roll in our ability to think, to remember, and to relate socially to one another. Lack of water in our systems will result in mental dullness, depression, fatigue, and our inability to handle stress well. Water is also essential for the neuro-transmitters to move properly along the long nerve axon tubes. It is best to drink eight or more glasses of water each day. If you start to feel tired or depressed try water, fresh air, exercise and prayer.

How Much Do We Drink?

As a general rule we should drink two quarts of water daily, more when we are sick or perspiring. A good formula for daily water intake is: divide your body weight by two, then drink one ounce for every pound. Remember, that two glasses of warm water in the morning really gets the blood flowing and helps in having a good bowel movement.

What Should We Drink?

  • Soft Water: This comes from rivers, springs and the ocean. Distilled water is also soft water and the best type of water for drinking. It has no minerals or contaminants such as FLUORINE or CHLORINE, which act as slow poisons to the body. Distilled water aids the kidneys and rids the body of mineral deposits such as kidney stones. It also helps to prevent arteriosclerosis, which is the build-up of plaque on the walls of the arteries.

  • Hard Water: Contains calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals, which are inorganic and cannot be assimilated by the body. Distilled water is still the best water for us, especially if a person is a vegetarian.

  • Mineral Water: Trace mineral water and sea salt water have many good health and healing properties. Most of us lack enough minerals in our diet due to crops gown in poor soil. Research supports that by taking a small amount of trace minerals daily that many health problems are relieved. Before taking any mineral water or supplements, testing is very important to discover what minerals a person may be deficient in.

  • Chlorinated Water: Has been found to cause serious health problems such as: atherosclerosis, diabetes, muscular dystrophy, asthma and allergies. Chlorinated water destroys vitamin E, a necessary antioxidant which aids in destroying free radicals.

  • Fluoridated Water: Is treated with a highly toxic compound called sodium fluoride which can cause cancer, arthritis, birth defects and allergies.

  • Tea, Coffee, and Soda: These common beverages are found everywhere in our society. Their long- term use can be very dangerous. Most people drink caffeinated drinks to give them a "boost of energy" to help get them started in the morning, or to help them through the day. (See section on caffeine, pg. 40, to understand this "boost effect.") This puts a strain on the nerves, the digestive and immune systems, and the heart. It stimulates insulin production in the pancreas and it can damage the pancreas. Caffeine can also enter into the cell nucleus causing genetic damage. This can affect the brain of an unborn fetus.

  • Sugar in soda or anything else, inhibits the ability of the pancreatic fluids to work in digestion.

  • Alcohol: Has the ability to pass through the "blood-brain barrier," which seriously inhibits the neuron, motor, and sensory areas of the brain. Alcohol will damage the liver and is not fit for human consumption.

A constant lack of water in the system is one of the many ways we are slowly killing ourselves. It also speeds up the aging process. Compare it with the drying out of plums, which become prunes. Now prunes are great to eat, but our Creator never designed us to become one!

Without water we can live only about 3 days. When our body becomes dehydrated by 10%, we are in a very serious crisis. If the percentage climbs much higher, death is the result. Lack of water in the body is one of the most serious health problems today, and it shows up in many forms of disease.

Much of this article was extracted from an article by Dr. Michael Casey and Ashley Cunningham, Our Creator's Plan for Excellent Health, www.pathwaytoeden.com


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