Damaged water is “dead” water; water that has had the health-giving and beneficial sub molecular oscillations ("vibrations") removed from it through various forms of man's aggression, such as:
- Being forced through turbines at large reservoir exit points preceding the pipelines,
- Being forced through miles of straight, narrow, high-pressure pipes in an abnormal motion,
- Being poisoned through chlorination and other pollution, heavy metals, etc.
- Being bombarded with electro-smog.
The potent yet subtle energies that the natural, healthy water had incorporated in to its physical structure through absorption of sunlight and moonlight and its exposure to beneficial underground magnetic fields are lost in the above processes. It is lost through friction, incompatible carrying processes, electro-smog and chemical poisoning. Unfortunately, due to the memory impairment sustained by all water, these losses of energy in damaged water are becoming cumulative, around the planet. When we add to this energy depletion problem the increasing load of countless pollutants on our sick water supplies, (including chlorine and other biocides killing the much-needed beneficial microbes) the end result is chronic deterioration of the environment.
The above-mentioned "memory effect" phenomenon of water is observed on the molecular vibration level, as being present even in thoroughly or chemically cleansed water. We can keep scrubbing water with more chlorine, bromine, ozone, etc. Nevertheless, after such treatments, it is still "damaged water".
It continues to bear and transfer residual sub molecular information (sometimes called "subtle energy vibrational effect") from chemicals that were previously present in it, and oscillations from all the other impositions exerted upon it by our ‘modern’ infrastructures. The Bio Disc
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