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Friday, 20 July 2007

The Bio Disc : Watch "Hado Video"

A world of which every living entity shares a part, and yet about which we know significantly little...

Until the groundbreaking work of a pioneer Japanese researcher whose astonishing discovery about water, documented photographically, changed most of what we didn't know and led to a new consciousness of Earth's most precious resource.

"The messages from water are telling us to look inside ourselves"

Hado Video

5 min 34 sec - 01-Feb-2007
Average rating: (22 ratings)
Description: Featured Video: How are Frozen Water Crystals Photographed?

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The Bio Disc

Thursday, 19 July 2007

The Bio Disc : Miracles in Your Water

The remedy for your medical problems may be as close as your tap! Pigs will fly before the medical establishment will disclose something simple and free in lieu of costly (and frequently dangerous) medications; but they do tell us to do this, they just don't know, or don't tell us the great benefit.In forty years of practice I have seen many apparent miracles produced solely by plain water. You won't believe what 8-10 eight-ounce glasses (4 pts / 2 & half Lts) of water per day will do for many maladies. There is one major problem: People won't drink that much due to the inconvenience of frequent urination; a small price to pay for better health. If your urine is not a very pale yellow or even clear, you are not getting enough water (does not apply to those taking B- complex vitamins as these can turn the urine bright yellow). When I speak of water I do NOT refer to coffee, sodas or tea. Distilled or spring is best but tap water will work just fine for most people. Some places have water which has an odor and is not at all that tasty. Put a jug in the fridge for a few days and it will taste better. In addition, much of the chlorine will vanish. Prior to drinking, shake it vigorously for a while. This will oxygenate it.

Cure #1: Dump the Tums and cure heartburn. Heartburn may be a signal of water shortage in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a major thirst signal of the human body.The use of antacids or tablet medications in the treatment of this pain does not correct dehydration, and the body continues to suffer as a result of its water shortage.Tragedy: Not recognizing heartburn as a sign of dehydration and treating it with antacids and pill medications will, in time, produce inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, hiatus hernia, ulceration, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas.

Cure #2: Water may prevent and cure arthritis. Rheumatoid Joint Pain - Arthritis - may be a signal of water shortage in the painful joint. It can affect the young as well as the old. The use of pain-killers does not cure the problem, but exposes the person to further damage from pain medications. Intake of water will cure this problem.

Cure #3: Back pain. Low Back Pain and Ankylosing Arthritis of the Spine may be signs of water shortage in the spinal column and discs - the spinal cushions that support the weight of the body. These conditions should be treated with increased water intake - not a commercial treatment, but a very effective one.Tragedy: Not recognizing arthritis and low back pain as signs of dehydration in the joint cavities and treating them with pain- killers, manipulation, acupuncture, and eventually surgery will, in time, produce osteoarthritis when the cartilage cells in the joints have eventually all died. It will produce deformity of the spine. It will produce crippling deformities of the limbs. Pain medications have their own life-threatening complications.

Cure #4: Angina. Heart Pain - Angina - can be a sign of water shortage in the heart/lung axis.It should be treated with increased water intake until the patient is free of pain and independent of medications. Medical supervision is prudent. However, increased water intake may be your cure for angina.

Cure #5: Migraines. Migraine Headache may be a sign that water is needed by the brain and the eyes. Migraine may be prevented by keeping dehydration from establishing in the body and may be totally cleared up by treating for the condition of dehydration. This particular type of dehydration might eventually cause inflammation of the back of the eye and possibly loss of eyesight.

Cure #6: Colitis. Colitis Pain is a signal of water shortage in the large gut. It is associated with constipation because the large intestine constricts to squeeze too much water from the excrements – thus the lack of water lubrication. Tragedy: Not recognizing colitis pain as a sign of dehydration will cause persistent constipation, which can result in fecal impacting, verticality’s, hemorrhoids, polyps, and appreciably increase the possibility of developing cancers of the colon and rectum.

Cure #7: Asthma. Asthma, which also affects 12,000,000 children and kills several thousands of them every year, is a complication of dehydration in the body. It is caused by the drought management programs of the body. Free passage of air is obstructed so that water does not leave the body in the form of vapor – the winter steam. Increased water intake will prevent asthma attacks.Tragedy: Not recognizing asthma as the indicator of dehydration in growing children not only will sentence many thousands of children to die every year, but will permit irreversible genetic damage to establish in the remaining asthmatic children.

Cure #8: High blood pressure. Hypertension is a state of adaptation of the body to a generalized drought when there is not enough water to fill all the blood vessels which diffuse water into vital cells. As part of the mechanism of reverse osmosis, when water from the serum is filtered and injected into important cells through minute holes in their membranes, extra pressure is needed for the "injection process." Just as we inject I.V. "water" in hospitals, so the body injects water into tens of trillions of cells all at the same time. Water intake will bring blood pressure back to normal!Tragedy: Not recognizing hypertension as one of the major indicators of dehydration in the human body, and treating it with diuretics that further dehydrate the body will, in time, cause blockage by cholesterol of the heart arteries and the arteries that go to the brain. It will cause heart attacks andsmall or massive strokes that paralyze. It will eventually cause kidney diseases. It will cause brain damage and neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease.

Cure #9: Adult-onset diabetes. Adult-Onset Diabetes is another adaptive state to severe dehydration of the human body. To have adequate water in circulation and for the brain's priority water needs, the release of insulin is inhibited to prevent insulin from pushing water into all body cells. In diabetes only some cells getsurvival rations of water. Water will reverse adult-onset diabetes in its early stages.Tragedy: Not recognizing adult-onset diabetes as a complication of dehydration may, in time, cause massive damage to the blood vessels all over the body. It may cause eventual loss of the toes, feet and legs from gangrene. It may cause eye damage, even blindness.

Cure #10: Blood cholesterol. High Cholesterol levels are an indicator of early drought management by the body. Cholesterol is a clay-like material that is poured in the gaps of some cell membranes to safeguard them from losing their vital water content to the osmotically more powerful blood circulating in their vicinity.Cholesterol, apart from being used to manufacture nerve cell membranes and hormones, is also used as a "shield" against water taxation of other vital cells that would normally exchange water through their cell membranes.

Cure #11: Depression, Loss of libido, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Lupus, Multiple sclerosis, Muscular dystrophy.These conditions may be caused by prolonged chronic dehydration. If so, they will clear up once the body becomes well and regularly hydrated. In these conditions, exercising one's muscles should be part of the treatment program.

~Most of this information seems to have been compiled from the work of Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, M.D. from The Mountain: Is it ALL completely true? Will simply drinking enough water eventually cure all of the above conditions?The point is, it WILL improve your health, it IS free, and it IS the right thing to do. And as long as you don't ignore your doctor's advice (which by the way is to drink 8-10 8oz glasses of water per day) there is absolutely no risk. the Bio Disc

No risk, no cost, no travel, definite improvements. So what are you waiting on? Drink up!

Monday, 16 July 2007

The Bio Disc : Damaged Water

Damaged water is “dead” water; water that has had the health-giving and beneficial sub molecular oscillations ("vibrations") removed from it through various forms of man's aggression, such as:
  • Being forced through turbines at large reservoir exit points preceding the pipelines,
  • Being forced through miles of straight, narrow, high-pressure pipes in an abnormal motion,
  • Being poisoned through chlorination and other pollution, heavy metals, etc.
  • Being bombarded with electro-smog.
The potent yet subtle energies that the natural, healthy water had incorporated in to its physical structure through absorption of sunlight and moonlight and its exposure to beneficial underground magnetic fields are lost in the above processes. It is lost through friction, incompatible carrying processes, electro-smog and chemical poisoning. Unfortunately, due to the memory impairment sustained by all water, these losses of energy in damaged water are becoming cumulative, around the planet. When we add to this energy depletion problem the increasing load of countless pollutants on our sick water supplies, (including chlorine and other biocides killing the much-needed beneficial microbes) the end result is chronic deterioration of the environment.

The above-mentioned "memory effect" phenomenon of water is observed on the molecular vibration level, as being present even in thoroughly or chemically cleansed water. We can keep scrubbing water with more chlorine, bromine, ozone, etc. Nevertheless, after such treatments, it is still "damaged water".

It continues to bear and transfer residual sub molecular information (sometimes called "subtle energy vibrational effect") from chemicals that were previously present in it, and oscillations from all the other impositions exerted upon it by our ‘modern’ infrastructures. The Bio Disc

The Bio Disc : Modern Problem

Modern civilization does a variety of things to water that take all or most of the Life Force out of it. Western water treatment practices have been forcing water through straight and narrow pipelines, most often with the use of high pressure turbine pumps – these work on centrifugal action, in direct opposition to water’s preferred direction. We then add a known poison, (chlorine, plus up to 50 other chemicals) into it to sterilise the supply; furthermore, this damaged water is exposed to more straight-jacket pipelines and numerous 90 degree turns in city water mains that contain anaerobic life which may not be killed by the chlorine; it is often sent through local ‘re-chlorination’ stations before it reaches us - in a totally lifeless state. We acknowledge that all these treatments are necessary due to the way our massive water provision infrastructure has been set up. However, most of these treatments (which are having to become increasingly stronger in order to deal with the hardier strains mutating to resist the chlorine) inevitably cause the loss of the natural, original life force from the water. This altered and energetically-dead molecular condition reduces the water's resistance to disease, and causes a breakdown of natural balances which are so vital in the essential cell function of human, animal, plant and beneficial microbial life. In cities using such over-processed water, we are reaping the end result of this processed water: rampant bacteria build-up, mainly of the unwanted types of anaerobes, occurs in the water and in the pipeline systems, regardless of heavy chlorination. We are adding even higher levels of chlorine to our beleaguered water supplies, even in expensively built ‘after treatment’ substations, in order to deal with these obstinate bacterial problems. The aggressive, non-selective methods thus used (including Ozonation) to kill off all the bacteria, destroy the good with the bad, both in the water and inside of us; when we drink, shower, bath or swim in it.

According to National Sanitation Foundation International (NSF), non-profit body, chlorine in the treated water, on its long journey to our tap gets exposed to sun radiation becomes Tri Halo Methane (THMs). THMs has been documented to be carcinogenic. Boiling our water may get rid of chlorine, but not THMs! I believe BioDisc is able to reverse the negative vibratory resonance of THMs, thus rendering it harmless by virtue of its' scalar energy. Furthermore, the energised water, will perform its role as a stable molecular structure, for cellular integrity. Hence, our blood functions normal. I hail BioDisc as an ingenious discovery! The Bio Disc

The Bio Disc : Importance of Water

The body cells of the human organism are namely surrounded by the so called extra cellular fluid, offering the cells a similar milieu as probably the single-celled organisms might had found.

This extra cellular fluid belongs to the connective tissue. That has not only a backing function filling the intercellular space, but also a regulating function, which is so important that the connective tissue is also called "basic regulation system". Hereby the water seems to have a central task. All arterial capillaries - as well as the nerves - are ending in this connective tissue; and in the venous capillaries are staring here, as well as the lymphatic course. Thereby neither the bloodstreams nor the nerves have a direct contact to the cells. Furthermore all transports of nutrients as well of waste products happen in the connective tissue, just as the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Also: All substances like glucose, hormonal information, transmitters from the nerve endings as well as electric impulses reach the cell only through this offshore extra cellular milieu, the water of the connective issue. The Bio Disc

The Bio Disc : Does Qi or Life force energy exist?

Imagine, in a war zone, there are lots of dead people as well as people who are injured. These injured people often require blood. By right, we could take the blood out from the dead people and transfuse them into the injured people right? Some would say why not. However, if this is possible, then why is there still a world shortage of blood??

We cannot use the blood from dead people because it is void of Life force energy! It is DEAD!
All living being has a vibrational frequency or BioFrequency. A person is certified dead when the brain waves stops rather than when the heart stops. Hence, these frequency changes when a person is not well. For example in cancer, these changes in BioFrequency happens years before the cancer is detected.

Then why drink 'Dead' water??


Water is alive when it is found in its natural environment i.e., a spring or mountain stream.

People who live in developed countries get their water supply from tap water that has been pretreated with chemicals like chlorine. These chemicals are not good for health. Hence, people attempt to maintain good health using filters. Nevertheless, these water are still 'dead' water due to the previous treatment that water has been subjected too, water has memory. The water has a memory of the chemicals that it has contact with. Besides that, the turbines used to move these water chops up the internal structure of water i.e. Damaged Water.

So What?

Water is the essence of every living being. Seventy percent of our body weight is composed of water! So, if the water that we drink is 'dead' water, don't you think it will affect our health? Think about it...
  • Why is it that as we grow older we get wrinkles on our face?
  • Does it seems that more people are getting chronic illnesses like cancer?
  • If the water that you consume is restored to its natural state just like spring water, would it be good?
It's exciting news, because I do not believe in taking supplements. However, maintaining good health with water, I accept!

All You Need is Bio Disc!

Technically engineered natural minerals have been structurally bonded in glass, at molecular level, using several high heat fusion methods. This combination of the techniques causes a catalytic energy conversion creating a long lasting, specific natural Nano resonance in the BIO DISC.

Just like how a tuning fork breaks glass at a specific frequency or resonant another tuning fork closeby.

Transferring the "Nano Energising Frequency" into or through liquid affects the nanos within the liquid. When the mineral nanos come into contact with the specific frequency they behave completely differently from the host atom for instance: they boil quicker, are lighter and refract more light. This natural resonance has the ability to create a molecular structure in all manufactured or treated liquid and vegetation.

Product Benefit
  • It will enhance taste of food and beverages
  • It helps to improve sleep
  • It has the ability to balance ying and yang and create a Qi Life force
  • It helps to create energized water by placing drinking water on top of it
  • It has calming effects of the resonance increases mental Cognition
  • By drinking the energized water created from Bio Disc will help you detoxify and hydrate all body cells
  • It reduces stress levels
  • It increased take up of nutrients
  • It increases oxygenation of the blood
  • It enhances your immune system of the body. The Bio Disc

The Bio Disc : Far InFra-red

Infra-red light lies between the visible and microwave portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Infrared light has a range of wavelengths. "Near infrared" light is closest in wavelength to visible light and "far infrared" or FIR is closer to the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Far Infrared Rays are a part our natural environment. We are surrounded by far infrared light. Regardless, if we are indoors or out in the direct sunlight.

Everything hot that we feel radiates far infrared waves e.g. the hot water bottles, sunlight, fire, warm sidewalks etc. Heat lamps are often used in medical centres as pain relieves. The therapeutic effect of these lamps specifically comes from FIR. FIR is a 'natural' pain killer.

There is something really quite remarkable about the way far infrared affects the beta rhythm within the body. This vibrational frequency will excite your body's rhythm. So when every cell is excited and heated up, they are performing at a higher "vibration" level. That's when really good things begins to happen within your body.

The warming effect of FIR can stimulate your metabolism, promoting the elimination of some really nasty toxins that accumulate in your cells. Such things as poisons, carcinogenic heavy metals, toxic substances from food processing, lactic acid, free fatty acids, uric acids and subcutaneous fat associated with aging and fatigue. The Bio Disc

The Bio Disc : Electro-Smog (Esmog)

E-smog or Electro-smog, its name derived from electro (electricity) + smog (fog) = Electro-smog, is a popular term used for all artificially produced electrical and magnetic fields as well as electromagnetic radiation. It is invisible, inaudible and odour-free yet it is everywhere around us. Nevertheless, using specific measuring equipment, it can be detected. E-smog is increasing over the years as we continue to electrify equipments we use on a daily basis.

There are many things that we do or use that produces e-smog, for example:
  • Domestic electrical installations and household equipment, transformers etc.
  • High-voltage cables, power supplies, cables and wires
  • Mobile telephones, baby-phones, wireless telephones, WiFi Lan's
  • Radio and television, radio communications, satellites
  • Civil or military radar stations and airplane radar transmitters
  • Remote controls
  • Industrial plants, welding and drying
  • Electric motors
  • Public transport, busses, trains, street cars etc...

The effects of e-smog on human health is somewhat argumentative at this stage. Scientist are not 100% sure but the answer is probably. There are a lot of research going on concerning mobile telephones and the indications are that there is an increased health risk. More studies will prevail. However, the current truth is that the intensity of e-smog is increasing, especially in the 2.4 GHz frequency band , as more and more applications like WiFi and BlueTooth are being used.

There are primarily 3 ways in which e-smog affects our bodies:

  • Thermal effect: it damages the organism by individual molecules, cells or organs being fed so much energy that they are totally or partially destroyed, just like in the microwave oven.
  • Signal effect: An organism can convert even the weakest fields into powerful biological responses which can result in disturbances in the hormone balance, bio-rhythm, psyche and the immune system
  • Electro-stress: an enormous variety of tiny waves penetrates into the body. The human body comprises of billions of particles, all of which wish to move or to oscillate with the waves like tiny compass needles. This is not possible, as the cells are part of a firm tissue and fixed cell structures. This fight to "break away" ends in a "physical long-term stress".

Bio Disc has a positive spin that overpowers e-smog. Hence, if you have Bio Disc on your body, it overcomes e-smog from your mobile telephone and computer. In addition to that, Bio Disc creates molecular structure in water which will neurtralise e-smog found in water. the Bio Disc

The Bio Disc : Structured Water

As the extracellular fluid in the body is important, it should be kept as free of scale and in working order as possible. Especially because it is a part of our immune system. The basic regulation system is responsible for unspecific processes of repulse. For it runs through the whole body, disorders in the behavior of regulation have effects in the whole body. Scaling would therefore weaken the whole body. Because all substances the body cannot use are deposited here - if they are not taken away by the lymph’s and removed by the kidneys - and so to speak plug the transit course of the cells. These remain lying scale then hinder the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and so again weaken the cell functions and with that life. In the following however the energetic balance of the organism is disturbed, too. Because these scale also are sending corresponding vibrations, which then influence the cells negatively as jamming vibration. Hereby the importance of water as a carrier of energy and information shall be pointed out. In other words: The extra cellular water of the connective tissue contains not only the physical scale, but stores the vibrations of these scale as well, passing these jamming energies and information on the whole organism. Wrong habits of living and malnutrition hereby surely play an important role. But let me also mention the following: Day for day we are exposed by breath and food to approximately 100.000 unnatural substances, means artificially produced and therefore strange for our body. With this metabolism and excretion are usually overburdened. Because also the necessary enzymes for the splitting of these artificial products are absent, these substances usually are stored, namely in the connective tissue. The consequences: increasing scaling impeding of the vesicular breathing, additional storage of metabolism scale, again promoting a hyperacidity of the tissue and binding valuable resistance ... And the whole happens in a holistic way, that means also on the energetic level. That is: Also the information of the artificial substances we consume and there scale has effects on our organism. At this stage we also want to point out the harmful impact of the so-called electrosmog. That is an additional factor for the stress of the organism. Considering that electrosmog destroys the cluster structure of water and that our body water can only fulfill its essential functions for the maintenance of life if it is existing in a highly complex cluster structure we begin to suspect the "blessings" of the achievements of our civilised world. The increase of the so called "civilisation diseases", the increase of cancer and the general weakening of the immune system, expressed in a dramatic increase of allergies, are speaking a clear language.

The connective tissue with the extra cellular fluid - and therefore the water - has therefore a key role in the human organism. It is a decisive factor for health or illness. This basic regulation system also is the docking system for the drunken water on the biological system of man. However, doing a biophysical examination of special thermal water, improvements of the reduction and oxidation processes as well as the Vivifier processes in the metabolism. The thermal water being transferred through the connective tissue caused an improvement of the whole metabolism of the cells and an improvement in the whole physical functioning. From the said clearly occurs why naturopathic orientated therapists consider de-scaling and detoxification of the organism as an essential precondition for a possible healing success. The kind of water that is consumed thereby is crucial. The effects of healing waters are well known since some hundred years. And healing waters distinguishes itself by a high energy, their vividness that is caused by the complex cluster structure. Because in our daily life such healing water rarely is available, we on the other side are permanently confronted with the mentioned stress and overload; it seems to be wise looking for other possibilities that we can consume alive, energy-loaded water. The water that is normally available does not fulfill these requirements. Therefore so-called methods for revitalisation have been developed, that is products, which shall revitalise unstructured water with low energy. Thereby complex cluster structures are built up and therefore a better biological usability. Bio Disc can better fulfill the key tasks of the organism, especially regarding the metabolism. The quality of our food No. One therefore has a hardly to underestimate importance, especially if one considers its central role in the connective tissue, that is in the system of basic regulation. The Bio Disc

The Bio Disc : Water Is Alive

Water is alive when it is found in its natural environment i.e., a spring or mountain stream. When we use it, we tend to treat it without any deeper understanding of what water is. Most of us are unaware of the natural forces that energise water, including Solar Energy exposure, exposure to resonances from beneficial mineral deposits, and also the meandering, spiraling pathways, eddies and vortices that water chooses to take in Nature in order to continuously rejuvenate itself. Even the impact of celestial influences on water should be considered, as has been amply demonstrated in the laboratory work of Schwenk. The Bio Disc

The Bio Disc : Water has Memory

On the molecular level, water is very much an alive, animated substance. Oxygen and hydrogen form a solid body, yet an amazingly restless and excited mass. In every drop of water, electrical charges cause a never-ending colliding, joining and breaking apart of particles, (all at a rate of billions of such movements per second), as the water molecule perpetually fluctuates between the hexagonal and the spherical shape. This same "molecular dance" happens in all live water, whether within the cellular fluid or within the rainbow or storm cloud. The permanent striving for the spherical or pyramidal shape is caused by the unstable angle of 104.5 degrees, in which the hydrogen and oxygen atoms cling to each other. At a temperature below 0 Celsius, there is a tendency towards the hexagon shape, while above 0 degrees the tendency is towards the spherical shape of the water molecules. This results in a perpetual back and forth fluctuation of the structure or form of the molecule, at this difficult-to-imagine, very rapid pace, and therefore there will always be a vibration, "a never-ending, microscopic whirling dance" in all water. Consequently, researchers speak of the "open structure" of the water, a quality that allows it to comply with other elements and at the same time to dissolve them.

Water combines with almost everything it comes in contact with. Consequently, there is not such a thing as "pure" water in nature. It is always "imprinted" by momentary contact with air, or contact with any surface or substance. It is influenced and changed by such, because of its innate "memory" - that is, water’s ability to retain residual vibrations of all substances contacting that water. Beneficial physical properties are produced in the water by its exposure to beneficial vibrations such as sunlight. Solar radiation results in an acceleration of the vibration of the water molecules, as they absorb energised oxygen, C02 and warmth. Harmful frequencies from water's exposure to chemicals or heavy metals are left to linger in water after its contact with those harmful substances, even if such substances have been removed from the water through filtering, reverse osmosis, distillation, etc. Through this vibrational ‘memory effect’, or ‘magnetic resonance’, information of a contaminant, including information of polarity is retained in the water molecule via its vibrations. This memory effect is sustained long after the disappearance of the contaminant from the water. The only known way of reversing this memory effect is through vibrational re-energising of the water. The direction of spin or rotation of the molecule itself is corrected, and its velocity can be accelerated in a dextrose or right-hand direction. We can say this also for any living thing, as all living things contain large percentages of water. THE BIO DISC

Saturday, 14 July 2007

The Bio Disc : Prognos Test Results from Bio Disc Treated Water

Before drinking the treated water by the Bio Disc, the tester was test by a Prognos Machine to determine his health and shows that he lack of energic and disharmony of meridian system.

After drinking the treated water, the tester was again tested by a Prognos Machine to determine his health and shows that his energy level has gone back to normal and disharmony or meridian system has also reduce from 48% to 34%. This shows the effect of after drinking the energized water.


Friday, 13 July 2007

The Bio Disc

A revolutionary natural energy generating device, the Bio Disc is the product of technically-engineered natural minerals that have been structurally bonded in glass and are capable of producing scalar energy frequencies. This long-lasting natural scalar resonance has the ability to be transferred to and rejuvenate the molecular structures of all liquids. Put simply, the energy created by the Bio Disc causes liquids to become more hydratious, taste better, and to have a longer shelf life.Drinking a glass of water which has been placed on top of the Bio Disc, or pouring water over the Bio Disc can help you detoxify and hydrate all body cells, increase the amount of oxygen in your blood, and enhance your immune system. You can also sleep better by placing the disc in the centre of the bed, or energise yourself by bathing with a bio disc. The healing possibilities are endless.

Technically engineered natural minerals havebeen structurally bonded in glass, at molecular level, using several high heat fusion methods.

Product benefits:
  • It is known to create positive energy field.
  • It can potentially harmonise and balance your body’s rhythmus.

Certified by Prognos*:

  • It possesses a positive energy field.
  • It balances and harmonizes the body rhythmus.

* PROGNOS is a diagnostic and therapy system based on the Traditional Medicine.Product


Appearance: Round Clear Glass.

Specific Size: Diameter 9cm Thickness 10mm.

Specific Weight: 130grams.

Country of Origin: Germany. Testimonial of testing result on Bio Disc treated waterBefore drinking the water treated by the Bio Disc, the tester was tested using a Prognos Machine to determine his health. The test results showed that he lacked energy and suffered from disharmony of the meridian system.After drinking the treated water, the tester was again tested using a Prognos Machine. This time, the results showed that his energy levels had returned to normal and the disharmony of the meridian system was reduced from 48% to 34%.

For the full BioDisc presentation click on the following link: http://www.quest.net/pdf/BioDisc.pdf

The Bio Disc : Bio Disc Demonstration

  1. Stand four glasses of BioDiscTM treated water in a circle. Place a sliced lemon and orange in the centre along with wine or whisky. Place a separate untreated glass of whisky and sliced Orange & lemon as a placebo/Control sample in a separate location at lest 5 metres apart. After 30 minutes compare both test samples (Treated items first), the Bio energized fruit will look younger and taste sweeter. The whiskey will look brighter and taste sweeter. See the difference!

  2. The same test can be repeated with soya sauce, Apple cider vinegar concentrate, CoCa Cola,Viscous Cream.You WILL see a difference in taste and texture.

  3. The same tests can be done by directly placing Substance/liquid on the BioDiscTM directly for 20minutes

Conduct your own Bio Molecular Tests

Click on the following link for full details: http://www.quest.net/pdf/DemoDisc.pdf


The Bio Disc : How to Use the Bio Disc Part I

Recomendation of on How to Use from Amezcua/Quest:
  1. Leave Bio Disc on Water (Container) Overnight. Drink charged water for overall well-being (especially in the morning).
  2. Rotate Bio Disc 20 minutes on area of pain daily (as frequently as required).
  3. Leave Bio Disc under mattress/4 bottles of water at 4 corners of room For a good rest.
  4. Leave Bio Disc in refrigerator to extend shelf life of food.
  5. Use BioDisc water for plants, animals.
  6. Rub cigarettes on BioDisc TM to lock harmful substances.
  7. Keep Biodisc with you to minimize Esmog effect.

The Bio Disc.

Thursday, 12 July 2007

The Bio Disc : What is the Bio Disc?

1. What is the BioDisc?

BioDisc is a NATURAL ENERGY producing device. The energy it produces is Called scalar energy.

2. What is in the BioDisc?

The BioDisc is made of 13 technically Engineered natural minerals fused together, The bonding the minerals is at a molecular level using nano fusion and high heat..The combination minerals in fusion produces catalytic conversion resulting in scalar energy and long lasting scalar resonance.

3. What does scalar energy do?

Scalar energy/resonance rejuvenates molecular structure in all liquids.The molecular Structure of the liquid exposed to scalar energy will restore to its natural molecular structure and chain. We call the BioDisc treated water structured water/energized water vivified water

4. How does the water structure look like before and after it is exposed to the BioDisc?

5. Where else can you find structured water?

You can find structured water in

  1. Amniotic fluid (fluid in mother’s womb)
  2. Healing spring water (Like Fountain in Lourdes, France (The famous "healing" well.) or Spring Water of Sanbuichi Yusui, Japan)
  3. Water treated by the BioDisc (vivified,energized water)

6. How does structured water work in the human body?

Structured water

  1. is Smaller clusters opposed to normal larger clusters of water molecule
  2. is Infused with life enhancing frequencies (like healing spring water)
  3. has Perfect crystal shape

Because of these features,movement of water In and out of the cells is at optimum (versus regular/unbound Water)

Due to the free movement of water through the cells walls,water is being efficiently and rapidly absorbed:
  1. enhancing transport of nutrients
  2. improves waste removal
  3. maintains proper communication between cells
Our cells are responsible for making energy (ATP),repair proteins and an amazing array of bio-chemicals. Proper hydration and absorption of nutrients into the cells is a key concept of healthy living.

7. Diagram showing the effect of structured water on cells

8. How does scalar energy/resonance work?

  1. BioDiscTM create effective and efficient hydration into the cells of the body by changing drinking water into a biocompatible type of water based on the frequency signature of water.
  2. The frequency signature of drinking water needs to be in harmony with that of living cells.
  3. Water needs to flow in and out of the cells easily and should not be trapped inside the cells or outside the cells in the extra-cellular tissue (water retention/bloating)

9. How can water pick up scalar resonance from the BioDisc?

The BioDiscTM energy spins into the liquid counter clockwise and the liquid can be poured over the BioDiscTM were it ‘picks up’ the resonance from the disc. This resonance is similar to healing spring water.

10. What does structured water taste like?

The first sensation most people enjoy is how clean the water tastes. Soft, sweet, cool and refreshing are some other adjectives used.

11. What are the benefits of drinking energized, Structured water?

• Wetter water – added ability for the body organs to hydrate and absorb water (due to reduced surface tension of water)
• Increased Oxygen potential – Increasing oxygen in the blood cells increases energy levels
• Hydratious water detoxifies body organs
• Hydratious water may reduce the effects of alcohol on the body
• Reduction in the bodies E-smog caused electro imbalances – reducing stress levels
• Hydratious water directly benefits long haul flight passengers – reduced jet lag
• Increased body absorption of commercially produced nutrients and vitamins

12. Can I drink too much Structured Water?

No. You cannot 'overdose' on Structured Water. Due to more rapid hydration, intercellular fluid exchange will also occur more rapidly. This can cause more frequent urination, which is very healthy for your system as it flushes out toxic materials from your system.

13. Are there any additives/chemicals in structured water?

No. No additives, no chemicals, only pure spring water that has been restructured into smaller configurations of water molecules to facilitate cellular absorption.

14. I'm healthy and fit - why do I need Revitalized Structured Water?

Everyone can benefit from drinking Structured water. It will provide the level of hydration needed to achieve and maintain optimum health

15. I need to lose weight - how can Revitalized Structured Water help me?

Most people experience a dramatic increase in energy after using Structured Water, and this often leads to decreased appetite. Drinking water before, during, and after eating will help diminish the appetite and aid in digestion.

16. Will I notice an increase in energy?

Structured water tends to liberate energy.One of the major benefits of Structured water is its energizing effect. Our cells are responsible for making energy(ATP), and water is the source for moving everything in and out of the cell. The more efficient you are hydrating your cells, the more energy you can produce!

17. How can structured water help me clean my system?

Structured Water will have a powerful cleansing (detoxifying) effect on your body. Its ability to rapidly and thoroughly hydrate promotes increased intercellular exchange, removal of accumulated toxins is one of the most positive attributes of Structured Water.

18. Can I take my medication with Structured Water?

We recommend that you wait at least an hour before and after taking medication before ingesting Structured Water Structured Water is a biological delivery system which increases cellular absorption. So medications can be more potent. If you take medication with structured water,your medication dosage will decrease.Please monitor our dosage closely when ingestion medication with structured water.

19. Can I take Structured Water with other supplements/ vitamins/ food?

Yes, most definitely. Remember, it is not what you eat, but what you actually absorb!!!

20. What is the difference between mineral water and Structured Water?

Mineral water by definition has a certain quantity of dissolved minerals either added or occurring naturally. Structured Water has little or no solute particles, no additives, no chemicals, only pure spring water which has been molecularly modified for more rapid absorption.

21. Structured water and Illness

Ensuring that our cells are in good shape and able to communicate effectively is a key concept in maintaining a healthy and strong immune system. With the proper hydration, our cells remain clear and strong. When dehydration occurs, the cells stop communicating and they get sluggish. This leaves our body open to attack and often viruses enter causing much harm.

Structured Water however not only hydrates the cell but does so quickly, which is essential when the body starts getting (or is) dehydrated.

In order to understand the importance of hydration, one needs to understand that the approximate one trillion lymphocytes (the immune system warriors; the white blood cells used to fight disease) found in the body are carried to various lymphatic organs (immune tissue) through the bloodstream.

Lymphocytes cannot be carried and communicate quickly via the bloodstream if the body is not properly hydrated. Again, the process becomes sluggish and disease takes advantage. Lymphocytes and immune tissue are dependant on proper hydration, which is even further enhanced with Structured Water. View your cells as billions of little friends who like to talk to each other and shuttle back and forth between each cell's house (domestic organ). They need water to live.

With Structured Water you are giving them the best water available, which will reward you as your body's immune system will prove stronger and your overall health better.

22. Structured water and athletes

Water is absolutely essential for the athlete and active individual for

  1. weight loss
  2. appetite control
  3. maximum performance.

The simple secret behind many top athletes and fitness personalities is that they all consume plenty of water. When our bodies exert themselves, we sweat. This is our body's way of regulating the internal temperature and stems from the body working hard to pump oxygen to the heart. When we sweat, we lose water.

The water that is lost in our temperature regulation needs to be replaced. If the water lost does not get replaced, our body loses its ability to perform at maximum efficiency. We become dehydrated.

Dehydration has an adverse effect on muscle strength, endurance, and coordination and increases the risk of cramps heat exhaustion and life-threatening heat stroke. Ingesting water in proportion to sweat loss best maintains cardiovascular function and prevents body temperatures from rising too high. Dehydration is among the top five reasons for fatigue and lack of energy for many athletes.

23. Will drinking excessive structured water cause bloating?

Many worry about water, retention and therefore avoid drinking enough water. However, water retention can be avoided with the right water; Structured Water. Revitalized structured water does not linger around the cells creating bloating and water retention, but it is absorbed into the cell immediately - creating rapid hydration and immediate bio availability of all the good nutrients we consume.

24. Can I give my child structured water?

Children may be the ones who need it most. Give your child the hydration their bodies desperately need for optimum growth and development.

The Bio Disc : Some Revitalised Water Testimonials

"When you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated"

"The most important life-giving substance in the body is water. The daily routine of the body depends on a turnover of about 40000 glasses of water per day. In the process your body loses a minimum of 6 glasses per day, even if you don't do anything! With movement, exercise and sugar intake etc. you can require up to 15 glasses of water per day. Consider this, the concentration of water in your brain has been estimated to be 85% and the water content of your tissues like your liver, kidney, muscle, heart, intestines etc. are 75% water. The concentration of water outside the cells is about 94%. That means that water wants to move from outside the cell (dilute) into the cell (more concentrated) to balance out things. The urge the water has to move is called hydroelectric power. That's the same electrical power generated at hydroelectric dams (like Hoover Dam). The energy make in your body is part hydroelectric. We just know you wouldn't mind a little boost in energy." Jeremy E. Kaslow, MC, FACP, FACAI.

- Excerpt from "Cardiovascular Efficiency vs. Nutritional Deficiency"

"Most Americans live constantly on the borderline of moderate, to serious, dehydration. The price we pay isn't merely a dry mouth, but a multitude of unnecessary diseases - from headaches to asthma to back pain to cancer. Thirst is not a good indicator of hydration. When you are thirsty you are already dehydrated. Water is critical to get well from virtually every disease."Dr. F. Batmanghellidj, M.D, author of "Your Body's Many Cries for Water"

- Interview in the Cincinnati Post, 9/14 1998


The Bio Disc : How Revitalized Structured Water is made?

For our purposes, "structuring" refers to the way in which water molecules align themselves, bond to each other, and interact with each other.

It is important to note that nature has been "structuring" and "imprinting" water since the beginning of time. REVITALIZED Technologies has simply developed processes to reestablish these phenomena and return water to its natural structured state.

REVITALIZED Technologies proprietary process utilizes a centrifugal vortex to implode the water and set the water in motion. This reorganizes the molecular order into a receptive state to receive high frequency vibration.

The water is then passed through a chamber where magnetic resonance imprints a series of frequencies in an infinitely modulating sequence. Molecular order and frequency loading mutually reinforce each other to maintain the transformation of the water.

The result is a liquid with the water formed into small, biocompatible water crystals that resonate at a designed and predictable frequency. The specific frequencies of the crystalline structured water solution are designed to be amplified by the cells of the human body, and transferred through resonant paths to tissues in need of "tuning".

All flowing water, though it may appear to be uniform, is divided into many inner surfaces. This may be easier to visualize if you think of water as countless ropes all bundled together and each rope made up of individual strands all entwined together. In a structure such as this you would have many surfaces. In flowing streams, millions of vortexes form when water breaks past stones, sticks and other obstructions. These vortex patterns act as powerful resonant structures as well as energizers and electrifies for water.

Vortex flows show the sensitivity of water to external forces. The speed of movement of water in a vortex has a rhythm of its own; it extends and contracts in a rhythmic pulsation. The vortex is really composed of a series of flowing surfaces (like the ropes) all binding together as if by an invisible hand.

These flowing surfaces move at different speeds, slow on the outside and fast on the inside. The speed of movement of water in a vortex multiplied by the radius from the center is a constant. This means that as forces in a perfect vortex approach infinity, the hydrogen bonds of the water molecule cannot sustain the pressure difference and begin to stretch and weaken. The larger clusters of water molecules are thus broken apart into smaller clusters of water molecules.

Structured water has a powerful cleansing (detoxifying) effect on the body. as your body cleanses itself, you may experience minor discomforts such as increased fluid removal from your body (urination), increased bowel movement, slight body aches, minor headaches and lower energy. These symptoms need to be viewed as POSITIVE feedback that the Structured Water is helping remove toxins that have built up in your body over the years.

If these symptoms do occur, rest assured they will ameliorate within a few days.

In many instances, people do not notice any of the above symptoms and simply realize very positive results immediately.


The Bio Disc : Frequently Asked Questions

1. I'm healthy and fit - why do I need Revitalized Structured Water?
Everyone can benefit from drinking Structured water. It will provide the level of hydration needed to achieve and maintain optimum health.

2. I need to lose weight - how can Revitalized Structured Water help me?
Most people experience a dramatic increase in energy after using Structured Water, and this often leads to decreased appetite. Drinking water before, during, and after eating will help diminish the appetite and aid in digestion.

3. Do you have studies to substantiate these claims?
We have been vigorously testing Structured Water and currently have laboratory results which show lower boiling point, significantly lower viscosity (thinner water), and lower surface tension. These are all characteristics of a water with smaller clusters of molecules. Clinical test results also indicate a strong impact on the physiology after ingesting Structured Water. The amount of energy increase emanating from the body after drinking Structured Water has been documented and recorded using Kirlian photography.

4. What is the difference between mineral water and Structured Water?
Mineral water by definition has a certain quantity of dissolved minerals either added or occurring naturally. Structured Water has little or no solute particles, no additives, no chemicals, only pure spring water which has been molecularly modified for more rapid absorption.

5. Can I give my child structured water?
Children may be the ones who need it most. Most children today drink lots of sugared drinks and soda. Sodas alone rob the body of trillions of molecules of oxygen with each serving. This is certainly not giving your child the hydration their bodies desperately need for optimum growth and development.

6. Are there any additives/chemicals in structured water?
No. No additives, no chemicals, only pure spring water that has been restructured into smaller configurations of water molecules to facilitate cellular absorption.

7. What does it taste like?
The first sensation most people enjoy is how clean the water tastes. Soft, sweet, cool and refreshing are some other adjectives used.

8. Will I notice an increase in energy?
Structured water tends to liberate energy, one of the major benefits of Structured water is its energizing effect. Our cells are responsible for making energy(ATP), and water is the source for moving everything in and out of the cell. The more efficient you are hydrating your cells, the more energy you can produce!

9. How can structured water help me clean my system?
Structured Water will have a powerful cleansing (detoxifying) effect on your body. Its ability to rapidly and thoroughly hydrate promotes increased intercellular exchange, removal of accumulated toxins is one of the most positive attributes of Structured Water.

10. Can I drink too much Structured Water?
No. You cannot 'overdose' on Structured Water. Due to more rapid hydration, intercellular fluid exchange will also occur more rapidly. This can cause more frequent urination, which is very healthy for your system as it flushes out toxic materials from your system.

11. Can I take my medication with Structured Water?
We recommend that you wait at least an hour before and after taking medication before ingesting Structured Water. Remember Structured Water is a biological delivery system which increases cellular absorption. So medications can be more potent.

12. Can I take Structured Water with other supplements/ vitamins/ food?
Yes, most definitely. Remember, it is not what you eat, but what you actually absorb!!!


The Bio Disc : Who Needs Structured Water?


Being sick is probably one of the major frustrations for most individuals. Not only do we feel lousy, but we also lose out on the most valuable commodity in the modern world; time. Illness happens when our bodies fight infection and bacteria or viruses attack our cells breaking down our defense system. Upkeeping a health immune system is essential to prevent illness. Once the illness has entered our body, the immune system is on red alert sending in all troops to fight the disease - and as a result we become tired and bedridden. The secret is to prevent disease before it occurs and with all the resources available to us today this can easily be achieved.

Chronic illnesses may not be as easily prevented but even these illnesses can have symptoms relieved with the proper prevention in diet and hydration.

According to the National Institute of Health (Nih), "The success of this system in defending the body relies on an incredibly elaborate and dynamic regulatory-communications network. Millions and millions of cells organized into sets and subsets, pass information back and forth like clouds of bees swarming around a hive. The result is a sensitive system of checks and balances that produces an immune response that is prompt, appropriate, effective, and self-limiting". Ensuring that our cells are in good shape and able to communicate effectively is a key concept in maintaining a healthy and strong immune system.

With the proper hydration, our cells remain clear and strong. When dehydration occurs, the cells stop communicating and they get sluggish. This leaves our body open to attack and often viruses enter causing much harm. Structured Water however not only hydrates the cell but does so quickly, which is essential when the body starts getting (or is) dehydrated. It enters the cell wall much quicker than regular water due to the small micro clusters of its molecular makeup:

In order to understand the importance of hydration, one needs to understand that the approximate one trillion lymphocytes (the immune system warriors; the white blood cells used to fight disease) found in the body are carried to various lymphatic organs (immune tissue) through the bloodstream. Lymphocytes cannot be carried and communicate quickly via the bloodstream if the body is not properly hydrated. Again, the process becomes sluggish and disease takes advantage. Lymphocytes and immune tissue are dependant on proper hydration, which is even further enhanced with Structured Water.

Structured Water is the best water you can provide your cells to ensure maximum efficiency and absorption. View your cells as billions of little friends who like to talk to each other and shuttle back and forth between each cell's house (domestic organ). They need water to live. With Structured Water you are giving them the best water available, which will reward you as your body's immune system will prove stronger and your overall health more solid.


Water is absolutely essential for the athlete and active individual. Not only for obvious reasons of weight loss and appetite control, but also for maximum performance. The simple secret behind many top athletes and fitness personalities is that they all consume plenty of water. When our bodies exert themselves, we sweat. This is our body's way of regulating the internal temperature and stems from the body working hard to pump oxygen to the heart. When we sweat, we lose water. The water that is lost in our temperature regulation needs to be replaced. If the water lost does not get replaced, our body loses its ability to perform at maximum efficiency. We become dehydrated. Dehydration has an adverse effect on muscle strength, endurance, and coordination and increases the risk of cramps heat exhaustion and life-threatening heat stroke. Ingesting water in proportion to sweat loss best maintains cardiovascular function and prevents body temperatures from rising too high. Dehydration is among the top five reasons for fatigue and lack of energy for many athletes.

Many worry about water, retention and therefore avoid drinking enough water. However, water retention can be avoided with the right water; Structured Water.

In order to avoid water retention, which is a common problem for many athletes, make sure that you drink Revitalized Structured Water. Revitalized structured water does not linger around the cells creating bloating and water retention, but it is absorbed into the cell immediately - creating rapid hydration and immediate bio availability of all the good nutrients we consume. The average athlete consumes at least 2-3 supplements per day. Vitamins, minerals, herbs, and various powders are all taken on a daily basis. However, just taking these supplements does not ensure that the yare properly absorbed into your body. If your body isn't clean and the proper hydration in place, the supplements will not reach the bloodstream and work their magic. They will merely be disposed by the body or stored in the colon. Proper hydration with structured water ensures that the supplement is delivered and absorbed into the cell wall. Water transports nutrients, and as such transports the supplement. In addition, to avoid water retention it is important to stay away from salty foods, which also absorb the water and takes away from the good work it does for the body. Salty foods (check the sodium levels on the labels of the foods you buy) counteract good hydration.

Finally, proper hydration assists with weight loss and general maintenance of good health. It curbs the appetite, helps flush out toxins and keeps our internal system clean, hydrated and refreshed. Revitalized Structured Water is the most clean, pure and hydrating water source on the market. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on diet supplements that do not work, make sure that you eat clean fresh foods, lots of vegetables and fruits and finally, drink Revitalized Structured Water to ensure maximum hydration.


According to the ThinkQuest organization "One of the main causes of dehydration is overexposure to the Sun. Athletes, or anyone who spend long hours in the Sun, or places of high temperature, run the risk of dehydration.

"Newborn infants and people over the age of 60 are especially susceptible to dehydration."

Dehydration is basically caused when the body loses water content and essential body salts such as sodium, potassium, calcium bicarbonate, and phosphate. Water makes up about 60% of a man's weight and 50% of a woman's weight. This proportion has to be kept within a very narrow limit to maintain a proper balance in the cells and body tissue.

A person suffering from dehydration will display the following symptoms:
  • A dry mouth with sticky mucus membrane in the mouth.
  • Decreased urine output or dark urine.
  • Sunken eyes.
  • Wrinkled skin which may lack its normal elasticity and sag back into position slowly when pinched into a fold.
  • Fatigue.
  • Dizziness confusion and coma.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Severe thirst.
  • Increased heart-rate and breathing.

If you suffer from any of these symptoms we recommend you immediately seek a physician's assistance. However even if you just feel thirsty your body is already giving you the early warning signs for dehydration. If you drink just one pint of Structured Water you will restore your body's hydration balance. For maintenance one liter at a minimum per day is recommended (if you are over 60 we recommend two liters per day at a minimum). The Bio Disc

The Bio Disc: Revitalized Water

Revitalized Structured Water is Water that has been restructured to consist of small clusters of water as opposed to normal, larger clusters of the Water molecule. Revitalized Structured Water is infused with life enhancing frequencies and has a perfect crystal shaped form enabling rapid absorption into the cell.

The Water molecule is made of Hydrogen and Oxygen (H2O). In the human body, there are two basic types of water: Bound water and Structured water. The smaller clusters of Structured Water are able to move freely through the cell walls, being rapidly and efficiently absorbed. This enhances the transport of nutrients, effects waste removal and maintains proper communication between cells.

Bound Water, on the other hand, is water that becomes physically bound to other molecular structures and is unable to move freely through the cell walls. It can linger around the cells and create bloating and water retention.

When we are young, our bodies contain a high level of structured water and very little bound water. However, as we age, bound water becomes more predominant and clustered water levels decrease. Fortunately, with the modern science available today, structured water technology has evolved, allowing us to maintain structured water levels in the body by drinking Revitalized Structured Water.

Why Do I need Structured Water? As the human body grows older, it is subjected to stress, contamination, pollutants, free radicals, poor diet and other various lifestyle choices. The body begins to dehydrate (thus those wrinkles). The structured cell water with which we are born with begins to destabilize and loses its efficient shape. The result is that our ability to absorb water decreases all the time. Studies show that dehydration is both a cause and a result of the disease process. Most of us are chronically dehydrated and we don't even know it.

Our cells are responsible for making energy (ATP), repair proteins, and an amazing array of bio-chemicals. Proper hydration and absorption of nutrients into the cells is a key concept of healthy living. Revitalized Structured Water hydrates your body on a cellular level - where the cell is penetrated by small microscopic crystal structures similar to Nature's own water.

Regular Water or bound water as it is also called lingers around the cell often causing water retention and bloating (see diagram above). Revitalized Structured Water penetrates the cell wall due to its perfect crystal shape and truly hydrates within minutes of drinking. Absorption is the keyword to maintain excellent health today. It does not matter how many supplements one takes or how healthy we may think we eat if the nutrients aren't properly absorbed into the body and cell wall.

The two types of common water in the marketplace today are Distilled Drinking water (often called "non-live" water as it can strip the body of minerals and thereby weaken our immune system) and Spring Water. However Revitalized Structured Water is far superior in terms of how rapidly it is absorbed by the cells and utilized in the body. See below for a microscopic view of the different molecular structures of water:

Tap water / Distilled Water / Structured Water

As illustrated in the diagram above Revitalized structured water is the only water that is 100% absorbed into the cell with ease and agility. This is due to the fact that the small clusters of perfectly shaped water molecules are recognized by the body as its own. They are not distorted by metals toxins or other forms of environmental agencies.
  • Young children naturally have almost 100 % structured water in their bodies
  • By middle age the average person's body contains a little over 50% structured water
  • Bound water which often cannot penetrate the cell wall lingers around your cells causing bloating & water retention
  • Revitalized Structured Water on the other hand is immediately absorbed into the cell wall and provides rapid hydration

There are only a few sources of Structured Water in the world:

  • Amniotic Fluid - the water you were born with in your body.
  • Healing Springs - the springs in Lourdes France as well as only thirteen other global locations.
  • Revitalized Structured Water

Our cells are responsible for making energy (ATP) repair proteins and an amazing array of bio-chemicals. Proper hydration and absorption of nutrients into the cells is a key concept of healthy living. The Bio Disc

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

The Bio Disc : The Message from Water – Dr. Masaru Emoto

Water has a very important message for us. Water is telling us to take a much deeper look at our selves. When we do look at our selves through the mirror of water, the message becomes amazingly, crystal, clear. We know that human life is directly connected to the quality of our water, both within and all around us.

The photographs and information on this page reflect the work of Masaru Emoto, a creative and visionary Japanese researcher. Mr. Emoto has published an important book, "The Message from Water" from the findings of his worldwide research If you have any doubt that your thoughts affect everything in, and around you, the information and photographs that are presented here, taken from the book of his published results, will change your mind and alter your beliefs, profoundly.

How the molecular structure of water is effected...

From Mr. Emotos work we are provided with factual evidence, that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music, affect the molecular structure of water, the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a mature human body and covers the same amount of our planet. Water is the very source of all life on this planet, its quality and integrity are vitally important to all forms of life. The body is very much like a sponge and is composed of trillions of chambers called cells that hold liquid. The quality of our life is directly connected to the quality of our water.

Water is a very malleable substance. Its physical shape easily adapts to whatever environment is present. But its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes; its molecular shape also changes. The energy or vibrations of the environment will change the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment.

Mr. Emoto has been visually documenting these molecular changes in water by means of his photographic techniques. He freezes droplets of water and then examines them under a dark field microscope that has photographic capabilities. His work clearly demonstrates the diversity of the molecular structure of water and the effect of the environment upon the structure of the water.
Discover how each source has an effect on the visual photographed structure...

Snow has been falling on the earth for more than a few million years. Each snowflake, as we have been told, has a very unique shape and structure. By freezing water and taking a photograph of the structure, as Mr. Emoto has done, you get incredible information about the water.

Mr. Emoto has discovered many fascinating differences in the crystalline structures of water from many different sources and different conditions around the planet. Water from pristine mountain streams and springs show the beautifully formed geometric designs in their crystalline patterns. Polluted and toxic water from industrial and populated areas and stagnated water from water pipes and storage dams show definitively distorted and randomly formed crystalline structures.

Spring Water of Saijo, Japan

Spring Water of Sanbuichi
, Japan

Antarctic Ice

Fountain in Lourdes,
famous "healing" well.)

Biwako Lake, the largest lake at
the center of Japan
and the water pool of the Kinki Region.
Pollution is getting worse.

Yodo River, Japan, pours into the Bay of Osaka.
The river passes through most of the major cities in Kasai.

Fujiwara Dam, before offering a prayer

Fujiwara Dam, after offering a prayer

With the recent popularity in music therapy, Mr. Emoto decided to see what effects music has on the structuring of water. He placed distilled water between two speakers for several hours and then photographed the crystals that formed after the water was frozen.

Beethoven's Pastorale

Bach's " Air for the G string "

Tibet Sutra

Kawachi Folk Dance

Heavy Metal Music

After seeing water react to different environmental conditions, pollution and music, Mr. Emoto and colleagues decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled, water crystals, using words typed onto paper by a word processor and taped on glass bottles overnight. The same procedure was performed using the names of deceased persons. The waters were then frozen and photographed.

Untreated Distilled Water

Love and Appreciation

Thank You

You Make Me Sick . I Will Kill You

Adolph Hitler

Mother Teresa

These photographs show the incredible reflections of water, alive and highly responsive to every one of our emotions and thoughts. It is quite clear that water easily takes on the vibrations and energy of its environment, whether toxic and polluted or naturally pristine.

Masaru Emoto's extraordinary work is an awesome display, and powerful tool, that can change our perceptions of ourselves and the world we live in, forever. We now have profound evidence that we can positively heal and transform ourselves and our planet by the thoughts we choose to think and the ways in which we put those thoughts into action. The Bio Disc.

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